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    Labor Department 結果共8筆

  • Quake in Hualien leads to higher fruit and vegetable costs

    Following a recent earthquake in Hualien, transportation costs for fruits and vegetables have surged, as reported by Chang Te-chi, secretary-general of the Ji-an Township Farmers’ Association. The damage has forced trucks to take a longer route, doubling travel time and causing frost damage to produce. Despite stable prices due to government efforts, concerns grow over rising expenses if the Suhua Highway remains closed. The Agriculture Development Department of Hualien County and the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation highlight the financial strain on farmers and the logistics challenges faced, including increased labor costs and the impracticality of using refrigerated trucks on alternative transport modes.
    2024/04/24 15:26
  • 2年砍2萬人不是喊假的 花旗集團今裁「286名員工」

    花旗集團(Citi group)近期正展開數十年來最大規模的改革,1月更宣布將在2年內裁掉2萬人,而根據該集團近日向美國勞工部(State Department of Labor)提交的文件,花旗集團將在紐約(New York)裁掉286名員工。
    2024/03/01 11:45
  • 364 companies implement reduced work shifts: MOL

    The Ministry of Labor in Taiwan has announced that 364 companies have implemented reduced work shifts, affecting a total of 9,809 employees. Among these companies, four manufacturing firms have halted or prematurely ended these initiatives due to urgent orders. The manufacturing industry has been the most impacted, with 203 businesses and 8,791 individuals affected by reduced work hours. The Department of Labor Standards and Equal Employment Director Huang Wei-chen noted that large-scale businesses are typically the first to cease these initiatives when economic conditions improve. Huang also predicted that the number of companies implementing unpaid leave may decrease by the end of the year or early next year. This situation highlights the delicate balance between ensuring employee welfare and meeting business requirements, especially in the face of current economic uncertainties. The Ministry of Labor continues to oversee work policies to protect workers while promoting strong industrial performance.
    2023/11/08 20:40
  • Documents required for KMT’s harassment cases: Mayor Chiang

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announced on Wednesday (July 19) that the Department of Labor had not received official documents to initiate the investigation into the sexual harassment cases involving Kuomintang (KMT) legislators Fu Kun-chi and Cheng Cheng-chien.
    2023/07/19 17:39
  • Tragic incident leaves Taipei Dome worker fighting for life

    In a tragic workplace accident at Taipei Dome, a 50-year-old male worker was electrocuted while working in a 6-meter-high shaft on the third floor on Wednesday (July 5). 
    2023/07/05 16:48
  • Taipei boasts highest unemployment rate among young adults

    Recent reports indicate that Taipei City has the highest unemployment rate among young adults aged 25 to 29 among the six special municipalities in Taiwan. 
    2023/04/24 06:00
  • 雇百名童工清潔屠宰工具 美國食衛公司挨罰4558萬

    美國勞工部 (United States Department of Labor,DOL)17日表示,美國最大食品衛生公司之一的包裝工衛生服務公司(Packers Sanitation Services Inc,PSSI),非法雇用至少102名兒童從事清潔肉類包裝、屠宰廠等危險工作,工作地點橫跨美國8州,工作時間為大夜班,該公司已支付150萬美元(約4558萬新台幣)罰款。
    2023/02/18 12:50
  • Nearly 1.6 M people applied for labor relief in 2 years

    Taiwan industries across the country have been greatly affected by the pandemic. Since 2020, a total of 1.59 million citizens have applied for labor relief offered by the Department of Labor.
    2022/12/28 11:31
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